With the Kings of France and the three golden lilies in mind, we could now turn to a family crest for the Spada family, a noble family with aristocratic roots. There were no popes in the family, but, prior to their purchasing and renovating the palazzo, it was built and lived in by one Cardinal Capodiferro. There is no evidence of the cardinal’s family crest above the main entrance or a lingering wide brimmed hat, but instead the family crest of the Spada family which is surmounted with a crown and three lilies above three swords; Spada translates to sword!  

I confess, my curiosity to know more about the specifics brought me back to the original owner, Cardinal Capodiferro. At a young age, Capodiferro was admitted to the court of Cardinal Alessandro Farnese, the future Pope Paul III. Pope Paul III made him nuncio in 1541 to the Kingdom of France. Thus, the coded or decoded language held true: a favor of thanks from the French kings to the nuncio and passed on to the Spada family, who had no papal connections. Trust your instincts when decoding once you get the hang of it.


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Palazzo Spada stemma; swords and crown

Palazzo Spada stemma; detail